+91 8080571771

Therapeutic Treatment

Therapeutic Treatment

ROOT CANAL TREATMENT FOR BABY KIDS : This treatment is often indicated if your child feels pain in a tooth, is sensitive to different temperatures, or if the tooth is chipped or cracked with the pulp already exposed. When this happens, the pulp becomes damaged beyond simple medication or surface repair. As a result, the infected pulp is removed and a crown is placed on the tooth, allowing it to be strong enough so the tooth can remain in the child’s mouth until the permanent tooth erupts. During the treatment itself, the tooth is completely numbed using local anesthesia. Since the affected nerves of the tooth are removed, your child should have very minimal pain after the treatment. Upon completion of root canal treatment for primary teeth, the restoration of choice for a back tooth is a stainless steel crown and, for a front tooth, a composite tooth-colored resin. Root canal, helps save the child’s tooth from premature extraction. The early loss of a tooth can cause problems not only in the functioning, chewing, and speech, but also result in orthodontic problems in the future. However, it is common to have sensitivity to the crown or to any dental procedure for the first two weeks. During this time, it is important to continue brushing, particularly around the gums of the tooth, to keep them from becoming inflamed. If excessive pain or irritation is experienced, have the child brought to the dental office for a re-evaluation. Since the material we use for the baby root canal is completely biocompatible, it will not negatively affect the incoming permanent tooth. Rather, the tooth will get loose in its own time and will fall out like all other baby teeth.

Saving The Tooth Is Always Best!