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Sports & Night Guards

Sports & Night Guards

Sports & Night Guards

We offer parents the option of getting night guards or sports mouth guards in order to protect their children’s teeth. There’s no denying that children, with all their energetic playing and vigorous activities, are highly prone to tooth loss or other types of oral injuries during sports. Even at night when they are asleep, some children exhibit signs of bruxism, where they constantly grind their teeth together. To make sure that your child’s teeth are kept safe from injury in any of these scenarios, we recommended that children get night guards or sports mouth guards.

Answer :

Night guards prevent children from grinding their teeth at night, which, if left untreated, could have destructive effects on their teeth and gums. Night guards act as a cushion for the teeth to alleviate the pressure from the constant clenching and grinding and prevent chipping, fracture, excessively worn teeth, or premature loss of the teeth. A night guard is best obtained from a dentist so that the child is given a custom made piece that will fit comfortably inside their mouth during sleep. Parents will be able to tell if their child needs a night guard if they hear grinding noises at night or see that the teeth are worn down due to grinding. Sometimes, children will have sensitivity because the grinding has exposed the nerves of the teeth. It is extremely important to have a dentist check the teeth and identify if a night guard could protect them from further damage.


Most dental trauma occurs when children are playing sports and get hit by a ball or fall to the ground. Often such trauma results in the premature loss of a tooth or the dislodgment of other teeth. To protect against such accidents, sports mouth guards are recommended. Once worn over the teeth sports mouth will prevent any injury from affecting your child’s teeth.