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Crowns on Baby Teeth

Crowns on Baby Teeth

Baby teeth that show evidence of extensive decay, with two or more surfaces affected, can sometimes be saved through the use of a crown. Since the enamel of baby teeth is thinner, cavities tend to spread more easily and usually come to affect a larger area of the tooth. At that point, crowns may be the only way to protect the tooth from premature extraction. In particular, if the decay or cavity has spread to different surfaces of the tooth or has reached the pulp of the tooth, a baby root canal may need to be performed. At that point the tooth becomes weaker and is more likely to crack. In these instances, it is important to protect the tooth by using a crown.

For baby molars that are constantly exposed to chewing and grinding, silver stainless steal crowns may be a better option. white crowns for front baby teeth are very durable and fracture resistant. Healthy Smiles Kids and Orthodontic Dental Clinic provides white crowns for front baby teeth to give a child a healthy and more natural smile. Immediately after treatment it is important that the child does not eat anything too hard or sticky. Chips and popcorn pieces can get stuck under the crown, making it uncomfortable. Also, sticky or hard candies, like bubble gum, can displace the crown. If a crown gets displaced, the child should be brought back to the dental office to have it re-cemented. To prevent this from happening however, parents should be careful as to what the child eats after treatment. Often we recommend softer foods. Also, sometimes the gums may become slightly irritated by the new crown. It is important to continue to brush around the gums of these teeth to prevent further irritation.